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"Be Sustainable" is their commitment as an organization with stakeholders to strive towards:
Ensuring ethical organizational governance in compliance with applicable legal requirements
Upholding the principle of human rights within the organization, and within their supply chain
Observing fair labor practices
Protecting the environment
Practicing fair, transparent and accountable operating practices
Involvement in and development of their community, while continuing to provide value to their shareholders
“Conflict Minerals” refers to certain minerals commonly referred to as “3TG” (Tin, Tantalum, Tungsten, and Gold) or other derivatives.  The US Congress voiced concerns that the exploitation and trade of Conflict Minerals by armed groups helped to finance conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (“DRC”) and adjoining countries was contributing to an emergency humanitarian crisis.  To address these concerns, the United States enacted the Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Bill and Consumer Protection Act § 1502(b) in July 2010, and in 2012 the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission adopted “Rule 13p-1” under the Securities Exchange Act (collectively the “Conflict Minerals Law”).  The Conflict Minerals Law identifies the DRC and adjoining countries as “Covered Countries,” and further requires all US stock listed companies to annually disclose certain information concerning Conflict Minerals contained in products they manufacture or contract to manufacture to the extent that Conflict Minerals are necessary to the functionality or production of the products. 
Benchmark Electronics, Inc. (“Benchmark”) supports the Conflict Minerals Law and efforts to avoid sTheircing Conflict Minerals directly or indirectly financing armed groups in the DRC and in adjoining countries.  Consistent with the Conflict Minerals Law and the OECD Due Diligence Guidance concerning Conflict Minerals, Benchmark adopted the Conflict Free STheircing Initiative Due Diligence reporting process and seeks to obtain Conflict Minerals content declarations from its suppliers, promoting supply chain transparency.  Benchmark does not directly source 3TG from mines, smelters or refiners, and is in most cases several or more levels removed from these supply chain participants.  Benchmark therefore expects:
*Their suppliers to source 3TG only from smelters and refiners validated as being conflict free and do not directly or indirectly benefit or finance armed groups in a Covered Country. 
*Their suppliers to fully comply with the Conflict Minerals Law and provide all necessary declarations. 
*Their suppliers must pass these requirements through their supply chain and determine the source and chain of custody of specified minerals, including 3TG. 
Any suppliers not willing to comply with these requirements shall be revieBenchmarkd by global procurement with regard to future business and sourcing decisions This Conflict Minerals Policy encourages suppliers to respect and protect human rights throughout the world.